Bangladesh Furniture Industry Owners Association (BFIOA) Training List

Head of Institute: Selim H. Rahman

Code :2023023

Phone : 01711526090

Email :

Website :

Address : Garameen Bangla Akshay Tower, 51 Madani Avenue, Vatara, Dhaka-1212

(1) EBT Batch-01 Carpentry (Akhtar Furnishers Ltd.) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19

(2) EBT Batch-01 Carpentry (Hatil Complex Ltd) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19

(4) EBT Batch-01 Lacquer Polishing (Hatil Complex Ltd) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19

(6) EBT Batch-01 Upholstery Works (Hatil Complex Ltd) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19

(8) EBT Batch-02 Carpentry (Nadia Furniture Ltd.) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19

(9) EBT Batch-02 Lacquer Polishing (Brothers Furniture Ltd) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19

(12) EBT Batch-02 Upholstery Works (Rangpur Metal Industries Ltd.) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19

(13) EBT Batch-03 Carpentry ( Rangpur Metal Industries Ltd) From : 2024-07-20 To : 2024-10-19